Welcome to SPN Agrotech
  1.  The booking of the ETPs/plants is purely provisional and the company has and holds the right to cancel the bookings at any time without citing any reason thereof.
  2. This is a Provisional Money receipt which shall get automatically cancelled within 5 days if the payments not realized in the company’s bank account within the said 5 days. Payment by cheque is subject to realization and generation of final receipt.
  3. The supply of the ETPs/plants material is subject to the availability of the stock.
  4. The acceptance of the payment by Cheque/Demand draft is subject to encashment.
  5. In the event of cancellation of booking and/or non-supply of the ETPs/plants for any reason whatsoever; the customer shall not have any claim except refund of the booking amount paid to the Company without any interest payable there on.
  6. In case the balance/due payment is not made by the customer on the due date; stipulated for full and final payment; as mentioned, the rate for ETPs/Plants will be charged at the rate prevailing/applicable on the date on which full and final payment is made against the advance/bookings.
  7. The customer shall; at his own and through his own sources, lift the ETPs plants from the nursery site by the last week of January or at the time as stipulated by sales/field staff of the company.
  8. The bookings is likely to cancellation without any notice if the customer fails to approach concerned field staff for getting delivery of the ETPs/plants before the month of January and in such an eventuality; the customer shall not have any claim except refund of the booking amount paid to the company; without any interest payable there on.
  9. The company has maintained and ensured the quality of ETPs/plants and the customer shall be satisfied about its quality before delivery. Since ETP’s/Plants are living products its health, growth and quality is subject to vagaries of nature, proper care and regular inter cultural operations like weeding, application of fertilizers and pesticides etc. The Company undertakes no guarantee/warranty, express or implied of the performance on the field planting and its output which is dependent on post sowing/planting operations.
  10. In case of any dispute or difference of opinion; the decision of Unit Head of the company shall be final and binding on both the parties.
  11. Any dispute arising out of this transaction will be subject to Jurisdiction of Courts at Haryana.